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Acrylic Instead of Glass

Picking materials for products can be tough. All materials have pros and cons, and so it is essential to weight your needs with what is available to you. Two commonly used materials that look alike and function similarly are acrylic and glass. Depending on how the product is used, acrylic seems to have more benefits over the glass. Below, you will find some reasons to consider acrylic over the glass.

  1. Acrylic is lighter than glass. Transporting acrylic is easier and cheaper because of its weight. It is easier to install acrylic into existing structures because it does not add much weight to the building.
  2. Acrylic is also stronger than glass too. The impact resistance of acrylic is up to 17x stronger than glass. Acrylic can resist bumps and drops.
  3. Acrylic is more affordable than glass. Acrylic is more accessible to produce, and so the simplified process makes it less expensive to purchase.
  4. Acrylic will not shatter, unlike glass. Glass can shatter which can be very dangerous. Acrylic will break up into large piece rather than a million tiny ones.
  5. Acrylic is also more transparent than glass. When thick glass is produced, the glass will take on a greenish hue. Acrylic will remain clear.

If you are interested in custom acrylic displays, let us be your first call. Our team uses laser cutting acrylic to help make all your custom designs.

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