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How to Protect Acrylic

Acrylic goods that are cut with lasers can be very attractive pieces of plastics that can be used for a wide variety of purposes. Owners of acrylic must provide regular maintenance to acrylic in order to keep the material attractive and presentable.

The best way to protect acrylic is to use the appropriate substances to keep it clean. You should never use window-cleaning fluids. You should also never use solutions with ammonia, petroleum, denatured alcohol, or acetone to clean a laser cut acrylic item. These liquids will create cracks in the acrylic and will degrade the aesthetic value of the item. You should only use a mild solution of soap, gentle detergent, and water to clean the plastic. 

Another suggested method to protect acrylic is to limit dropping it as much as possible. Dropping a piece of laser cut acrylic is the number one cause of cracks and chipping in the material. Additionally, if you need to remove dirt from the plastic, never use a razor blade or sharp object.

It is possible to remove small scratches and abrasions from an acrylic cut piece with automobile polish and a clean, soft cloth.

If you have more questions about protecting acrylic, contact a local laser cutting acrylic specialist for more info!

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